Virat Kohli said that there are times when he doesn't even see the bowler while in the middle. In a documentary that aired on ‘Mega Icons’ series on National Geographic, the Indian captain said that he ends up seeing nothing but a ball coming out of a "blurred vision." "Sometimes I go into a state where I do not even look at the bowler," he says. “It’s literally just a ball coming out of, you know you can almost call it a blurred vision. I follow my instinct to a level that I feel like there is no negative streak in my body at all, at that moment.”
Kohli says in the documentary that he became much more focussed on his game after his father’s death. "It happened in my arms," says the Indian captain. "I think I became much more focussed after that. I lost total desire of wanting to do the other stuff and put all my energy into realizing my dream and my father’s dream as well."
Kohli said that the incident happened in his first season in the Ranji Trophy. He had to go out and bat the day afer his father died. "It was 3 in the morning, and I was batting overnight. I was 40 not out, and I had to go in the morning and bat the next day because it was a four day Ranji Trophy cricket. We just couldn’t get help. We tried to get help from the neighbours, whoever we knew was a doctor. It was such a time of the night that no one responded. By the time ambulance and everything came, everything was already gone," He said.
Kohli's father Prem worked as a criminal lawyer in Delhi. He died due to a heart attack on December 18, 2006. Virat has earlier spoken about the fact that his father supported his cricket training during his childhood. The day after his father's death, Kohli walked out to continue his innings and ended up saving the match for Delhi. He faced 238 balls and scored 90 runs.
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