Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli and his Bollywood actress wife Anushka Sharma have posted a video message to their compatriots, urging them to stay at home for the next three weeks in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
The power couple helped to spread the word as the country of 1.3 billion went into lockdown on Wednesday.
Kohli and actress Sharma have a combined 55 million followers on Twitter, and posted their joint message on the platform.
"These are testing times and we need to wake up to the seriousness of this situation," Kohli said, in the message recorded in Hindi.
These are testing times and we need to wake up to the seriousness of this situation. Please let us all follow what's been told to us and stand united please. It's a plea to everyone 🙏🙏🙏
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) March 25, 2020
"Please let us all follow what's been told to us and stand united, please. It's a plea to everyone. Stay at home and save your family from coronavirus."
The couple said it will take time to combat the pandemic and people should adhere to the government's call for a curfew and a lockdown for 21 days.
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